Tuesday, October 8, 2013

3 Home Remedies For Fall Colds

Fall is a beautiful time of year when the world changes colors and the temperatures cool down. While many people look forward to the colors and holidays that happen in autumn, colds can ruin everything! To help you and your family have an amazing fall season without all the sniffles and coughs, I'm going to share 3 simple home remedies to help get rid of any bugs that pop up before they become a problem.

Water Is Healing!

When the body becomes dehydrated, illness happens faster. Because the weather cools down many people don't realize that they can dehydrate just as easy as they can in hotter months. The crisp, arid air makes it easy for the body to lose hydration, and when this happens the mucous lining of the respiratory system can be less able to trap sickness in the air before it settles in.

Staying hydrated by drinking enough water each day is a great way to prevent and help heal any colds or coughs you end up with. Herbal tea is another great way to get water with the healing power of nature!

Steam Baths

Bathing your entire respiratory system in soothing steam can help cleanse, clear, and moisturize where it's needed most. Try gently inhaling steam from a kettle through the nose. Stay far enough away to avoid burns. Inhale deeply into the lungs while allowing the steam to nourish and soothe the lining of the nose, throat, and lungs.

Sleep & Stress

Since holidays start happening during the fall, many of us experience a spike in stress levels. Stress weakens the immune system and makes it really hard for our bodies to get sleep and to fight off colds. Making sure that you stay calm, cool, and collected while also getting enough deep, restful sleep could be all it takes to help keep you feeling great all season long!

Here's to a happy and healthy autumn season!

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