Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Secret To Making Colors Pop

If you've ever wondered how the professionals combine colors to create harmony and contrast, I'm about to let you in on a little secret that might surprise you! The answer to working with the full spectrum of colors lies in the color wheel and in how our eyes perceive color and interpret it.

The color wheel is arranged so that complimenting colors are side-by-side, contrasting colors are opposite one another, and mixed colors form a triangle. To create an amazing color scheme using accessories, clothing, or jewelry, just keep it in the wheel!

To set off jewelry:
Find your outfit color on the wheel, then wear jewelry that is directly across from it. If your outfit is purple, add some yellow jewelry to set your whole look right!

To highlight accessories and bags:
Find your outfit color on the wheel, then make an imaginary triangle in your mind with the outfit color as the top point of the triangle. Use the bottom two colors in accessories and bags to create the perfect look. If your outfit is red, choose medium-blue jewelry and a yellow bag or shoe accents!

Here's a more advanced color chart showing extra colors like brown and black and how they relate...

Have fun experimenting with new color combinations with clothing, accessories, jewelry, bags, shoes, makeup, hair color, and hats!

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