Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Simple Ways To Cultivate Gratitude

When it comes to cultivating more gratitude in your life, sometimes it can seem like a big task. The world these days seems complicated, and when challenges come up it can be really easy to forget to see the good that always surrounds us. Since we're in the season of thanksgiving I thought I'd share a few simple tips that have helped me in remembering to be grateful and thankful no matter what life brings me each and every day.

See The Small Stuff
Sometimes the things we should be the most grateful for are the things that we forget to notice because we're used to them or because they may seem small in comparison to other things happening in our lives. Taking time to really feel grateful for friends, family members, having a job, our spirituality, our health, and positive things that happen in our lives like a great meal or beautiful weather can truly change it all!

Remember The People
Sometimes it's easy to overlook the people in our lives because we are so accustomed to them 'being there' all the time. Taking time to feel and express gratitude for friends and family is a great way to bring more positive energy into our lives!

Go Natural!
The world around us is an unending source of things to be grateful for. From flowers and animals to weather and seasons. Take time each day to see the amazing things happening around you in the natural world and enjoy the many blessings it sends to you!

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