Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Secret To Making Colors Pop

If you've ever wondered how the professionals combine colors to create harmony and contrast, I'm about to let you in on a little secret that might surprise you! The answer to working with the full spectrum of colors lies in the color wheel and in how our eyes perceive color and interpret it.

The color wheel is arranged so that complimenting colors are side-by-side, contrasting colors are opposite one another, and mixed colors form a triangle. To create an amazing color scheme using accessories, clothing, or jewelry, just keep it in the wheel!

To set off jewelry:
Find your outfit color on the wheel, then wear jewelry that is directly across from it. If your outfit is purple, add some yellow jewelry to set your whole look right!

To highlight accessories and bags:
Find your outfit color on the wheel, then make an imaginary triangle in your mind with the outfit color as the top point of the triangle. Use the bottom two colors in accessories and bags to create the perfect look. If your outfit is red, choose medium-blue jewelry and a yellow bag or shoe accents!

Here's a more advanced color chart showing extra colors like brown and black and how they relate...

Have fun experimenting with new color combinations with clothing, accessories, jewelry, bags, shoes, makeup, hair color, and hats!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

3 Simple Ways To End Stress & Worry

If you're like most people, getting stressed out and worried in this modern day is not hard for you to do. We are constantly being bombarded by stimuli, stressful situations, confusion, and emotional roller coasters that seem to want us to stay in a constant state of anxiety and fear. The good news is that there are three simple tools you can tuck away in your mind and use whenever stress and worry are getting the best of you. These tips may sound simple, but they really work and go to the deepest level of our minds to create instant change!

1. Breathe

Breathing is the most effective and powerful way to stop stress and worry. When stressed, our breathing changes ever so slightly in ways that create stressful responses all over our bodies and minds. Making a calming change to our breathing does the reverse and reassures our minds, bodies, and emotions that things are a-ok. To breathe properly, exhale completely to start fresh. Take a slow deep nose inhalation to your belly - not to your chest, then slowly exhale through slightly opened lips making a gentle hissing sound. As you exhale, say 'relaxed and calm' in your mind and let your shoulders and neck completely relax.

2. Douse The Fire

Most anxiety, stress, and worry is fueled by worrisome negative thinking. If you stop the thought process, you put the fire out! When you catch yourself stressing, try to see what's actually happening in your mind. You'll likely be stunned at how negative, catastrophic, exaggerated, and even dark your thoughts can get when you aren't watching them! To stop the cycle, simply say positive versions of whatever your mind is telling you 10 times. If your mind says "He won't like me, he is going to think I'm terrible!", choose to say "I'm a great person, I'm easy for anyone to like, and I'm open to people that should be in my life clicking with me in a positive and powerful way!" 10 times! You'll fight it at first, but by the tenth heart-felt repetition you will feel amazing!

3. Nourish

Did you know that water is calming? When you drink water, the primal layer of your brain notices that clean water is available and feels nurtured and peaceful because of this - the same feeling that comes from having a pantry full of good food! Water also stimulates body processes, calms nerves, and helps the body repair itself. Drinking cool water when stressed can do some amazing things, so always have some with you wherever you go!

You are in complete control of how stress is allowed to influence your life. Choose the calm empowered path!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beauty Inside, Beauty Outside

One of the main reasons that I started Tabelina and worked so hard on the pieces I create every day is to inspire beauty. I think that all women are beautiful - but not all of us recognize that. The media, people around us, and our own negative self dialogue can fool us into thinking that we're simply not good enough. We try to compare ourselves to models, look the way airbrushed photographs in magazines look, and be people we are simply not meant to be. Women work hard to look their best, and I want to celebrate that in its most pure and true form.

No matter who you are, what you look like, or where your life path is taking you, you are beautiful. The fact that you are part of this world means that we need you here, and the fact that you are a woman means that you are beauty by nature.

If the things I am saying to you here feel uncomfortable to you, trigger fears, or cause you to argue with me in your own mind - it's time for change! Before the world will start seeing how amazing you are, and before your heart of hearts will truly believe in your inherent beauty, you have to start taking steps to cultivate a positive self image, self esteem, and self respect.

When you look good - own it!
When you feel good - celebrate it!
When good things happen to you - express gratitude!

Let your inner beauty come to the surface, without fear or shame, so that the world around you can celebrate it alongside you. Your inner and outer beauty are works of art that make you who you are... and the world will be a better place if you share them with power and love!

To see what my ideals of inner beauty look like in the form of wearable art jewelry, click here!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Get Color! The Meaning Of Green

Did you know that colors can influence our emotions, thoughts, feelings, and even our health? Experts across the world use colors in subtle ways to help create special moods and atmospheres, and you can too just by wearing the right colors in your clothing and accessories!

Green is a hot color this season, so I thought it would be fun to explore the meanings of this color, find out how it influences us, and take a look at green in action with jewelry pieces from Tabelina!

Going Green

You've probably heard the term 'green with envy'... which is interesting because green is related to jealousy!


Green is the ultimate color of nature. It represents the growing things in the world and helps us feel connected to the nature itself. People use green in places where they want to create a natural-feeling, serene, and grounded feeling. In places where plants or windows don't exist such as in offices or city buildings, green can help make us feel comfortable and less restricted.


Because of its connection to nature, green has long been a color of fertility. In the 15th century, many hopeful women chose green as their wedding dress color to ensure a speedy conception! Even today, the famous green M&M has urban legends of its own surrounding fertility.


Green is also a deeply relaxing color without being sedating. Green rooms keep people calm, and green clothing and accessories tend to keep people relaxed and joyful.

So, if you need a little more relaxation, nature energy, or even fertility in your life - green is your go-to color this season!


See the full selection of Tabelina jewelry in all colors <HERE>

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's In A Smile?

Did you know that there's a whole lot more to your smile than just good looks? A smile conveys such a powerful amount of information and energy that it can change your day, and the day that people around you are having as well! Your smile may start with you, but it has long lasting effects that may surprise you.

A smile conveys confidence, sincerity, and joy. It can be almost impossible to see someone give a genuine smile without making one yourself!

Smiles trigger something deep within our minds that reassure us, inspire us, and let us know that things are just the way they should be.

When you smile, you may just be changing a person's entire day. Passing along the good energy and warm feelings that come with a smile can be all it takes to help a person change up their attitude and choose a new belief about how the rest of their day is going to go.

As you go out into the world today to experience all that life has in store for you, don't for get to wear a smile!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How To Reduce Stress By Changing Your Attitude

One of the leading causes of severe stress in our lives is having high expectations and getting upset when reality doesn't quite meet our demands. Life is complex, and sometimes the way we'd like things to go simply isn't the way it ends up going! When we lock things in to going only one way, we get really emotionally invested in our desires and end up getting stressed out, anxious, and angry when things don't seem to work out.

The simple solution to dramatically cutting down how much stress you feel each day is to adjust the way you see success and reality!

We should all strive for what we want in life, be we need to remain open to things happening in ways we may not have anticipated. If you make the most perfect plans and cover every base, you are only doing it from your individual perspective. We're just one person in a really big universe - so sometimes even our most perfect plans are pretty one-sided and limited in scope! Letting the universe in on our plans is a great way to relax from the worry and stay open to things happening in ways we may never have expected.

When you want something and go for it, just focus on the feeling. Be in the space of joy as much as you can and stay there. The details will come up as part of the process and you can handle them one at a time. Knowing what you want and working towards your goal in harmony with infinite possibilities about how those goals may come to be will literally create miracles in your life.

Imagine that you want to go to the store, but you have one very specific route you take to get there all the time. What if you ended up being taken off course because of a closed road and for that reason found a new market with organic produce and great parking that you never knew existed? This is how we need to live our lives! Know you want to be at the store, but be open to how life might get you there. Instead of going straight to anger and anxiety when your normal road was closed, celebrate the chance to break a pattern and experience things in a whole new way... the results will always be meaningful if you aren't too busy being mad to see them!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tabelina Fashion

Summer is in full swing, and we'd like to share some of our most popular items with you this season!

Tabelina is always creating the most progressive design and every-woman style that brings elegance, sexiness, and playful energy all at the same time!

Press the play button to see some of our hottest Summer 2012 pieces!

When many people think of 'high fashion', they think of designs and designers that make timeless beauty just out of reach for the everyday woman. That might be the case for some companies - but not Tabelina! Our designs are created by women, for women, within reach! We understand that part of being an empowered woman is having your own unique style, so we create pieces that will work with a wide range of looks, attitudes, and events.

Women from all across the country - and the world -are stepping up to styles that are high quality and fashion-forward without sacrificing personality. Tabelina is here to give you access to the best handbags, accessories, and jewelry pieces no matter where life is taking you this summer!

To see the full gallery of Tabelina designs available now, click here!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Are You Getting Enough Water?

Water makes up about 60% of our total body weight, and almost every single one of our body’s intricate systems relies on water to perform properly! If we aren’t getting enough water each day, our bodies, minds, and emotions can suffer The good news is that it’s easy to get all the hydration you need each day without feeling that you are forcing yourself.

 Throughout each day you lose water when you breathe, sweat, use the restroom, and perform normal bodily functions. This water needs to be replaced through the food and drinks you consume. The best way to help your body stay healthy is to drink clean water throughout the day to replenish lots stores and ensure that your body has everything it needs to succeed.

How To Keep Water On Hand

If you don’t have a reusable water bottle, that’s the first thing you’ll want to consider. Having a water bottle makes it easy to have water with you at all times so that you remember to take sips and keep yourself hydrated. Water bottles can be found in countless styles and designs so that they add to your personal flair!

How Much Water Is Enough?

Research suggests that men drink about 3 liters (13 cups) of water each day while women need about 2.2 liters (9 cups) each day. Depending on the water bottle you select, you can figure out how many times you need to fill it and drink it each day to stay in your target hydration zone.

As you can see, it’s easy to make water an important part of your health program this summer, and when you keep a reusable water bottle on hand you’ll never miss a drink!

Have a great summer, and stay quenched!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Simple Summer Skin Care Solutions

So, summer is in full swing and, if you're like me, you're out enjoying the warm weather and beautiful rays! While at play, no matter what you're doing, it's absolutely important that you protect your skin from the sun's rays to prevent damage, burning, and even skin cancer later on. The good news is that you don;t have to stop the party to keep your skin safe! I'm going to share some of my favorite summer skin protection tips with you here - make sure to include them in your fun this season!


Sunscreen allows you to get out in the sun without letting it get to your skin. Applying a SPF 30+ sun block at least 20 minute before heading out for the day, and every 60-90 minutes during the day, is the best way to stay safe. Choose a light, natural, and waterproof sunscreen for best results. Whether you're heading out for a day on the town, an afternoon at the pool, or sports on the beach - sunscreen is the most important part of your sun-safe arsenal. You can now find spray-on styles and moisturizers and make-up elements with built in sunscreen.


Dressing light is always the summer style, but don't hesitate to include long sleeves, pants, or longer skirts in your wardrobe this season. Light, colorful fabrics keep you cool while making sure that harmful UV rays never make it to your sensitive skin!


Hats are a fun and stylish way to create shade anywhere you go! Wide brim hats are in style this year, and if you happen to be crafty, you'll love decorating your own hats with flowers, ribbons, and other embellishments. You'll also want to keep sunglasses on hand wherever you go to cut down on the squinting and protect your eyes.


Finally, one of the best ways to keep your skin safe from the sun is to take breaks in the shade. Find a tree, an awning, or a ledge to rest throughout the day and give your skin a chance to cool down and relax from the sunshine.

As you can see, it's easy to take great care of your skin this summer with these simple tips, so get out there and have a great time!