Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Meaning Of Colors

Did you know that each colors has a secret meaning behind it, and that every color on the spectrum has the ability to influence our moods, emotions, and state of well-being? It's true! For centuries people from marketers to artists have used colors to help create reactions and behaviors in the people who see them, and you can do the same thing with the colors you choose to wear! Just by picking a specific color for your outfit you can relieve anxiety, inspire courage, make a good impression, or avoid negativity.

This week I'd like to share some of my favorite colors and their meanings with you... think about which colors you wear most and what that may mean for you!


Warmth, love, passion, energy, anger, courage


Cheerful, creative, energetic, aggressive


Comfort, optimism, intelligence, liveliness


Calm, reliable, nurturing, stable, honest


Peace, calm, trust, openness


Sophistication, power, elegance, refinement


Strength, mystery, depression, negativity (add or remove)


Purity, cleanliness, calm, spirituality

Consider the energies and meanings of these colors when you think about which you wear most or least, and which you might want to wear at certain occasions in life.

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