One of the worst things that can happen when you're out enjoying the great weather is an accidental encounter with poison oak or poison ivy. These plants create an intense and deep itch that can ruin even the most amazing day, so knowing how to treat them quickly and easily can be a real summer saver.
Here are three of my top favorite home remedies for treating poison oak and poison ivy. Keep note of these handy tricks just in case you or your little ones find their way into trouble this season...
Banana Peels
The inner white part of a banana peel has minerals and other nutrients that can help soothe and remove inflammation from a poison oak or ivy attack. Just rub the inside of the peel gently on the affected area of your skin, taking care not to run the poison deeper into the skin or into a larger area of your skin. This should provide some much needed relief until you can use a more powerful lotion or cream.
Vinegar, Rubbing Alcohol, and Spirits
Getting the poisonous oils from the skin is the best way to stop the itch caused by poison oak and ivy. Alcohol based items and other high acidity liquids may just be the best way to do this. Dousing the area of the skin with vodka or vinegar can help, as can gently wiping the area with rubbing alcohol. Coffee is also acidic and may be a last resort option.
Potatoes and Oatmeal
Creating a paste from potatoes or oatmeal and a bit of water can help draw the itchy oils from the skin and give much needed relief. Try rinsing the area with alcohol first to help looses the oils and clean the area. The potato or oat paste can be left on until it begins to dry.
Learn How To Identify Common Poisonous Plants HERE
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