Tuesday, August 20, 2013

3 Reasons To Make Stretching A Part Of Your Workout

Most people know that stretching is a great way to warm up muscles and get in the right headspace for a workout, but did you know that they offer a huge array of benefits to your health and happiness on their own? Stretching is so valuable that many modalities of exercise and fitness such as tai-chi, qi gong, yoga, pilates, and xstretch have used basic stretching techniques to literally transform peoples' lives. Today, I'd like to encourage you to add stretching to your daily workout program by sharing three amazing reasons why a good stretch can change everything!


In order for our bodies to detox properly, they need movement. Lactic acids, toxins, and other materials that get trapped in muscles and tissues need to be worked out with proper diet and exercise. Stretching is a simple and highly effective way too get a deep and thorough detox every day since it opens up the muscles, stretches tissues, and gets blood moving all over.

While normal everyday movement like walking helps with detox and cleansing, stretching may help you get deeper while also moving internal organs and parts of the body that don't get much attention with usual movement. If you can feel your stretch, it's a good thing!

Slim & Toned

One of the best ways to get tight, smooth, and toned looks everywhere on your body is to stretch. Stretching tonifies the muscle fibers so that they have that silky smooth look while maintaining their strength. It also helps work out the elasticity of the skin which can get rid of sagging and wrinkles! Stretching makes the body move and adjust the way it holds weight which can lead to greater fat burning and better toning overall no matter what style of exercise you do.

Stress Reduction

Many people stretch just for the smile! Taking time for a 5-10 minute gentle stretch session can get your blood moving, warm you up, activate the pleasure centers of the brain, and generate feelings of well-being and peace. Yoga and Tai-Chi are prime examples of stretching modalities that also have meditative aspects due to the way they encourage the body to open up, relax, and harmonize.

If stretching isn't part of your daily routine, check out some simple routines online and see what all the reach is about!

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