Thursday, August 29, 2013

DIY Skin Cleanser Recipe

HonLet's face it - your face is your first impression! When your skin beams with clarity, cleanliness, and color, your confidence goes through the roof and you feel better about the life you want to create for yourself. Today, I'd like to share a few simple and all-natural remedies you can use to help cleanse and clear your skin without the use of any harsh chemicals. These ingredients are probably in your house right now, and you'll love what they do for your skin!

You can use these items on their own, or combine them to create an amazing facial cleanser that can be used daily or as a weekly treat for your largest organ...

Local Organic Honey

You read that right! Honey is an amazing facial cleanser that has antibacterial properties for getting rid of blemished and blackheads, anti-inflammatory properties to get rid of bags and lines, and tons of amazing nutrients that your skin will love!

To use honey alone, just blend it with a small bit of warm water and massage it gently into your face. Use small circles like a massage and then rinse completely when done.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is showing up in more and more all natural skin products because it's light, effective, and great for your whole body!

Coconut oil deeply hydrates the skin leaving it looking supple and smooth. It also carries antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe and heal the aging effects of skin. Massage it into your skin gently like you would a moisturizer, but take some time to gently rinse your face with a warm cloth afterwards.


For a deeply cleansing and exfoliating scrub, grind up whole oats in a coffee grinder or blender. Add some honey or coconut oil, then use it as a gentle exfoliating scrub on your face! Oats can suck up toxins and moisturize the skin while they cleanse - a win-win!

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