Nature has provided us with a variety of healing herbs, plants, flowers, roots, and barks. When we have these things on hand, we're able to foster a deeper connection to nature while enjoying the many benefits that come from all natural plant healing techniques. Today, I'd like to share five of my favorite herbs and plants that make a great addition, living or dried, to any medicine cabinet! As with all things health related, don't use herbs or any type of self-healing method until you speak with your trusted medical professional first.
Aloe Vera
I love aloe! This amazing live plant is easy to care for (it's related to the cactus) and is a beautiful plant to have on a windowsill. When dry skin, skin irritation, blemished, or even sunburns strike, you can break of a small piece of a leaf and rub the soothing gel over the skin for instant relief!
Chamomile dried herb makes a delicious hot or chilled herbal tea, and it helps in a variety of ways. Chamomile is calming to the nerves, relaxing to the mind and emotions, soothing to the digestive system, and tonifying for the whole body. This is a great all-purpose healing herbal tea to have on hand all year round!
As a fresh or dried leaf, peppermint is the go-to herbal tea for any stomach complaints. Try it hot or cold depending on what sounds best at the time, and let this sweet and tasty tea help relieve cramping, gas, and upset stomach.
Echinacea is a powerful immune booster that can shorten illness and fight of bugs. It can be used in capsule, tincture, or tea form and is a very gentle and effective solution for many issues from the common cold to infections.
Raw, cooked, or pulled fresh from the garden, garlic has a huge list of positive benefits that include antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal properties. Keeping this root in your diet can help fight off a whole host of issues - and the flavor is great!
Here's to our natural health!
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