There's nothing as irritating during Springtime outdoor events than being attacked by mosquitoes. These tiny buys bite, suck blood, and can even carry diseases, so it's important to steer clear of them when you're outside enjoying the changing weather. Many chemical-based products can be found on the market that are quite effective at keeping mosquitoes away from your body, but many experts believe that these chemicals simply are not good for us. As an alternative, there are many home remedies you can use to combat mosquitoes while honoring your health and the environment.
Here are just a few...
Mosquitoes are not strong fliers. If there's even a slight breeze they often land because they don't do well flying against the current. For this reason, a hand fan or even a powerful electric fan placed near your gathering can create just enough breeze to keep most all flying insects away.
The Sweet Scent Of Vanilla
Pure, all natural, real vanilla extract is a treat to our noses and a real offense to the mosquitoes. Try adding a few drops of pure vanilla extract to cotton balls that are placed around your gathering area. You can also add several drops to spray bottles filled with water to lightly cover chairs and awnings.
Dryer Sheets
The scent of dryer sheets is extremely concentrated and strong, and mosquitoes really hate it. You can tuck sheets into your pockets, under furniture cushions, or hung from awnings.
There are many plants that can help cut down on mosquito problems. These include Lemon Balm, Marigolds, and Catnip.
Here's to a pest-free Spring 2013!
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