Here are three amazing things that you can bring into the world and into your own life just by adopting an animal from a local shelter...
1. Save A Life
Shelters are over-run with homeless animals. There are rarely enough financial resources to care for them all, so many of them end up losing their lives. The good news is that a loving home saves those lives and the effects of an adoption go a long way. When you adopt you tell the world that you are willing to share your life a wonderful companion animal.
2. Health
Did you know that studies show that people who have animals tend to be healthier than those who don't? Animals provide constant companionship, remind us to get out and take walks or take time to play, help relieve stress, and add playfulness, fun, and love to our lives. Pretty amazing, right?
3. Happiness
A companion animal is a great way to be greeted when you get home from work, and studies show that they are capable of removing a great deal of stress from our lives. Animals remind us to have fun, enjoy, and stay positive. They teach children valuable lessons about compassion and responsibility, and they keep us on our toes and smiling. Companion animals are an important part of anyone's family and they bring so much to the lives of everyone they encounter.
Adopt today!
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